Corporate Social Investiment
As we operate in several locations across the country, we focus on empowering the communities in the form of developmental projects and employment creation. We have a charity organisation in Mabvuku that focuses on helping the community.
We do continuous environmental awareness programmes that focus on rehabilitating our ecosystem; water, trees and landscape.
Executive Summary
Betterbrands is a multi-million dollar group that is diversified and operates in various industries providing sustainable solutions to communities. These include mining, construction, borehole drilling, energy and financial services.
Our Vision
To be a prominent industry value chain player known for empowering the communities we operate in, delivering exceptional value to our local and international stakeholders in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Our Values
Local Empowerment Collaboration and partnerships Commitment to service excellence Integrity and honesty in all dealings Environmental sustainability
Our Ethos
Harnessing local resources to empower youths and local communities for a brighter prosperous future.
Our Mission
To provide competitive gold-related solutions to our stakeholders.